Hedgehog surveys
To help hedgehogs we need to gather more information about the location and size of populations. To do this, we have been fundraising for a thermal imaging camera and have recently acquired a secondhand FLIR E60 camera at a heavily discounted rate. Thank you to everyone who donated to this campaign!
Hedgehog road signs
In June 2019, the Department for Transport announced the introduction of a new traffic sign to warn drivers of the hazards of animals in the road ahead and to try to reverse the rapid decline of hedgehogs in the UK. Over 100,000 hedgehogs are thought to die on our roads each year. Hedgehog populations in rural areas have fallen by 50% in the last decade and reducing road casualties is essential to preserve this iconic species.
We have applied for funding from the Local Highway Improvement fund for 20 hedgehog signs for Cambridge and we will choose sites based on local knowledge and the Big Hedgehog Map to choose their locations. You can help us by recording your sightings of hedgehogs (dead or alive).
We would love to hear from you. Please get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook if you have any thoughts on where these signs should be placed in and around Cambridge.
Hedgehogs without Borders
Did you know that hedgehogs may roam a mile each night to find enough food? The Hedgehogs without Borders project aims to open up wildlife corridors for hedgehogs in Cambridge to allow them to roam freely from one garden to the next. This is an ongoing campaign which was launched in May 2019.
We are working with Cambridge City Council, who have offered to make hedgehog holes in the fences of any city resident unable to do the work themselves. (Email sosvolunteers@cambridge.gov.uk). You can hear more about the importance of hedgehog holes in this interview with David Webster from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
You can read more about this project in this article from Cambridge Independent:

Hedgehog hole in Cambridge (Photo credit: Grace Dolman)
Raising Awareness – Hedgehog Week May 2019
We have recently collaborated with Cambridge City Council to deliver over 2500 leaflets produced by BHPS to encourage Cambridge residents to make hedgehog holes and put out food and water for them. Did you make a hedgehog hole? Why not add it to the Big Hedgehog Map? (www.bighedgehogmap.org).

BHPS leaflets delivered in Cambridge with help of Cambridge City Council